Create LTFH estimations for a configuration.
This function estimates the genetic liability for a subject given the configuration of each familiy members phenotype. The the phenotype is given by either a 0 or 1 indicating if the family member has the trait/sickness. The function uses Monte Carlo integration to estimate the conditional distribution.
- covmat
The covariance matrix.
- phenos
A binary vector containing the phenotype for each family member of the form c(p_subject, p_parent1, p_parent2, p_sibling1, ... ,p_siblingN) where p_familymember is a binary value (1 or 2).
- K
The prevalance of trait. If False no truncation is applied.
- s_val
The starting value of liabilities.
- start_run
Number of iterations before convergence is expected.
- all_est
If TRUE return the value for each iteration after burn in, else return mean of values.